5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Professional Guards For Hotel Security Today!

Eagle i Security Services
3 min readJul 26, 2021


With growing demand, hotels are known to be hotspots of public gatherings, and subsequently, crimes. Places like these are attractive targets for thieves. Large hotels have a number of people entering and exiting the building throughout the day, making it smooth for criminals to sneak in, blend with the guests and access the grounds. They are often unfamiliar with the surroundings and are less likely to notice anything fishy going around them. This is why apart from handling endless bookings, ensuring maintenance, providing the best customer assistance, the hotel managers are also responsible for ensuring that the guests have a safe stay and leave their hotel with happy faces. And to keep the entire premises safe for the customers and staff members, you have to get your hands on professional security guard services. They are extensively trained to safeguard your property and everyone else inside. They understand the vitals of safety concerns, the various threats, and nuances that occur on hotel grounds, and the importance of good customer assistance.

Photo by Flex Point Security on Unsplash

Let’s have a look at some of the top reasons you should consider hiring professional security guards for your hotel.

Monitor Entrances And Exits

A safety officer can be stationed at every entrance of the hotel to monitor everyone walking in and out of the doors and monitor those behaving rather suspiciously or do not belong on the property. Any suspicious activity can be easily tracked and their extensive training can provide an important line of defense for protecting your hotel and the people staying in against crime and vandalism.

Deter Crime On The Property Grounds

Any establishment in the hospitality industry can be subject to multiple crimes. At times criminals enter the hotel grounds and make it a target of their illegal activities. But with the very presence of an extensively trained safety team by top security guard companies in Singapore would prevent criminals from entering or executing any activity that could harm the safety of individuals present on the property.

Photo by AJ Colores on Unsplash

Quick Response To Emergencies

Professional security guards are highly trained to respond to a bunch of emergencies that may occur on the hotel’s grounds. They can easily respond to situations such as evacuating, shooting, minimizing damage, providing aid to victims, or even chasing around the criminals.

Handle Any Disorderly Conduct

There can be circumstances where guests may become unruly, as a result of too much drink, arguments with the staff, or fighting with another guest. Issues like these can escalate rapidly and it is the security officers that can defuse the situation and escort guests to their rooms or places off the property, whichever is appropriate.

Prevent Damage To The Property

Security officers also prevent guests and public individuals from vandalizing your property. They are well versed in assisting the staff in handling situations involving guests who damage their room. It is very important for hotels to keep their property safe as they are the ones offering public facilities.

Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash

As hotel managers, the safety and welfare of your guests and staff must be the topmost priority, but the fact is not many are experienced and skilled at handling the safety of hotels or motels where there are a large number of people involved. You don’t have to take a chance with the welfare of your customers, staff, and the property you are responsible for. This is why it is time to take the necessary measures by hiring a dependable team of professional security guards from Eagle i Security services, who own experience of more than 30 years and specialize in offering tailored security solutions including armed or unarmed safety officers, surveillance, and monitoring services that help improve safety, mitigate risk damage and enhances the customer experience for you.



Eagle i Security Services
Eagle i Security Services

Written by Eagle i Security Services

In 2008, WestPoint Protective Security & Investigation was rebranded to Eagle i Security Services.

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